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Lower left abdominal pain? Beware of these 12 diseases! - Lower left abdominal pain followed by some other symptoms can be symptoms of certain diseases. Find out some of the causes to get the right handling.

Biologically, the lower left abdomen is the tip of the colon or colon. If you feel pain or pain in that part in just 1 or 2 days, you need not worry.

It may be caused by digestive disorders such as the amount of gas, lack of fiber, diarrhea, to constipation.

12 diseases behind abdominal pain on the lower left

Lower left abdominal pain? Beware of these 12 diseases!
Lower left abdominal pain is an indication of various diseases
If it happens very often, lower left abdominal pain can be a symptom of some severe illness as follows.

1. Diverticulitis
Dysculitis occurs when small sacs on the walls of the colon become inflamed or infected. These small sacs are formed by an abnormality called a diverticula.

The cause of diverticulitis is not known with certainty. However, low-fiber diet is considered to be quite a role in this condition. Because without fiber, the intestine must work harder so as to trigger the formation of pockets on the walls of the thinner colon.

Furthermore, the bacteria contained in the sac may cause infection or inflammation. So there was diverticulitis.

In addition to pain in the lower left abdomen, nausea, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, and fever is also a symptom of diverticulitis. The way to deal with diverticulitis is adjusted to how severe the symptoms appear.

You can start with relaxation using a warm towel compress on the abdomen. To meditate for the body to be more relaxed can also do.

To overcome diverticulitis, doctors will generally provide antibiotics and pain relievers. Before you get better and your intestines are ready to digest solid foods, you should only consume fluids.

Lower left abdominal pain? Beware of these 12 diseases!
Lower left abdominal pain can be a sign of kidney stones
2. Kidney Stone
Kidney stones are the material of mineral crystals that form in the urinary tract or kidney. This stone occurs when there are stone-forming substances, usually calcium, excessive or decreased urine volume.

Want to urinate continuously, dark urine, pain in the lower abdomen, until nausea is some indication of kidney stones. Handling of kidney stones can be tailored to the cause and type of kidney stones experienced.

For kidney stones with minimal symptoms and still small, you can cope with medical therapy, drink about 3 liters of water per day, and consume pain relievers. While the condition of kidney stones that have been severe, surgery may need to be undertaken.

3. Hernia
A hernia is a condition where the organ presses out the tissue or muscle from where it should be. The cause is usually a combination of weak muscle conditions and excess pressure.

Factors of occurrence of hernia, among others, age, postoperative, pregnant, to lift the burden is too heavy. The appearance of a lump in certain parts, or in the groin may be a symptom of the emergence of a hernia.

Well, it was not just men alone, hernia in women can also appear even though the case is not as much in men. In addition to lower left abdominal pain, you can also feel the discomfort and weight in the abdomen.

Lifestyle changes, ranging from maintaining an ideal body weight to avoid lifting heavy objects, can be done to overcome this disease. However, when it has tough phase, the operation needs to be done.

4. Gas
Lower left abdominal pain can be caused by trapped gas in the digestive tract. Some of the causes include:
  • The entry of air when you eat or natural digestion process that can produce gas.
  • Excessive eating.
  • Smoking or chewing gum.
  • Eat a gas-producing dish, such as broccoli, fructose (soft drinks, onions), lactose (natural sugar in milk), or whole grains (brown rice, oatmeal).
  • There are foods that are not digested perfectly.
  • There are bacteria in the colon.
The above conditions generally do not require the handling of doctors. But if the condition is also accompanied by constipation, defecate with blood, vomiting or diarrhea, until the sensation of burning in the chest, immediately do a check to the doctor.

Lower left abdominal pain? Beware of these 12 diseases!
Stuck gas in the digestive tract can cause the lower abdomen pain
5. Indigestion
This condition occurs due to accumulation of acid after eating. Acids may irritate the esophagus, stomach or intestines. Psychological conditions, such as depression, excessive alcohol consumption, or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may be the trigger.

Pain due to indigestion generally occurs in the upper abdomen, although it can also occur in the lower abdomen. These symptoms are usually mild enough, may be accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest, bloating, belching, and nausea.

Self-care, such as avoiding the originator, stay away from eating spicy food, not eating while talking, with your mouth open or too fast, can help. But if the condition does not improve within a few hours, you should contact your doctor.

Lower left abdominal pain? Beware of these 12 diseases!
Symptoms of ovarian cysts can be characterized by abdominal pain in the lower left
6. Celiac disease
The body of celiac disease can not digest gluten contained in various foods, including wheat. The cause behind this autoimmune condition is not known for certain until now.

If you do not intentionally take gluten, the patient's immune system will react and damage the small intestine. This condition can lead to malnutrition because the body is not able to absorb the various nutrients needed by the body.

In addition to lower left abdominal pain, chronic or long-term disorders are also characterized by abdominal bloating, fatigue, weight loss, and diarrhea.

7. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD)
IBD can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. This disease can be characterized by general symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood, fever, and weight loss.

This chronic disease consists of 2 types, namely Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn's disease generally attacks the small intestine, while ulcerative colitis usually occurs in the large intestine.

Until now, there is no medicine that can cure IBD. Avoiding foods that contain gluten is one way to relieve the symptoms.

8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
This chronic illness has symptoms that include abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, irregular bowel movements, and mucus in the stool.

If symptoms of diarrhea occur, IBS sufferers will not experience constipation. Vice versa.

Diet and psychological conditions of a person (such as stress levels or anxiety disorders) allegedly can have an impact on the emergence of symptoms of this disease.

Just like IBD, this disease can not be cured. Handling is intended to reduce symptoms experienced by patients.

9. Cysts on the Ovaries
The ovaries are 2 small, nut-shaped organs that are part of the female reproductive system. In some women, this organ is located in the lower left abdomen. And under certain conditions, there is a bag filled with fluid (cyst) that develops in this organ.

Women will normally have cysts at least once in their life. This condition is painless and asymptomatic.

But when it gets big, the cyst can hit the bladder so you repeatedly urinate. Kistapun can rupture which causes bleeding.

10. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a disease in which the tissue that is supposed to form in the uterus (endomentrium), grows on the outside. The disease also often involves other organs around the female pelvis, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

The spread of endometriosis outside the pelvic area is rare. In women, the growth of tissue outside the womb can lead to lower abdominal pain, to become barren. Unfortunately, the cause of this disease is unknown.

But if you also experience other symptoms such as pain during intercourse, menstruation, and when urinating, immediately consult yourself a doctor.

Lower left abdominal pain? Beware of these 12 diseases!
Pain during menstruation may cause the lower left abdomen painful
11. Menstrual cramps
Menstrual cramps usually appear about 1 to 2 days before menstruation and last for 2 to 4 days. This pain generally occurs in the lower abdomen. Its severity ranges from mild to disturbing activity.

This cramp problem generally does not require the handling of medical personnel and can feel lighter with simple handling such as bathing or warm water compresses.

However, if menstrual pain is very disturbing activity, symptoms of cramps worsen over time (especially in women aged over 25 years), it is better to immediately conduct a check to the doctor.

12. Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy with fetal growth that does not occur in the uterus. In this condition, generally, the fertilized egg is actually attached to the fallopian tube, the channel between the ovaries and the uterus.

This condition can cause stomach pain or lower back. Not only that, bleeding, vaginal discharge, and discomfort during urination can also occur.

When experiencing this, immediately conduct a check up to the doctor. Handling as early as possible gives the best results.

Lower left abdominal pain can be caused by various conditions. Recognize other symptoms, and immediately consult a doctor. In order to get the right handling immediately.

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