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Beware 7 Diseases Behind The Headache - Headaches may be the condition that everyone has experienced. The painful area suffering from the condition may reveal certain diseases. Rear headache is one area that is often experienced by many people.

The symptoms of back pain may be felt differently each person, both from the area of pain to the type of pain experienced. These symptoms can determine one of the various diseases behind the following back pain.

Tension Headache

Beware 7 Diseases Behind The Headache
One of the headaches caused by a tense neck muscle is the pain in the back of the head
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. Symptoms include constant pressure around the head especially on the back, neck or temple.

This headache is also sometimes accompanied by pain on the shoulder. But because the pain is relatively mild, tension headaches rarely stop a person from their daily activities.

The cause of tension headaches is the contraction of the scalp and neck muscles. This can be triggered by chemical changes in the brain or stress.

Occipital Neuralgia (Oxyal Neuralgia)

Beware 7 Diseases Behind The Headache
Irritation of the occipital nerve may cause headaches to the back
Along the spinal cord, the neck, to the base of the skull is a sensory nerve called the occipital nerve. When this nerve is inflamed, you will feel a terrible headache like being stabbed at the back of the head and neck up.

Head beats or feels like burning can also occur when the occipital neuralgia attacks. This pain can last from seconds to several minutes.

People with occipital neuralgia also experience increased headache as they move their necks.

Chronic Daily Headache

Beware 7 Diseases Behind The Headache
Chronic headaches occur almost daily and may have symptoms of back pain
Chronic headaches mean persistent headaches. This headache can occur almost every day for 3 months or more. Chronic headaches may be migraine or tension headache.

Tension-type chronic headache occurs due to muscle tension in the back of the neck. This headache attacks women more often than men.

The usual pain starts after a neck injury or from fatigue. And the more severe when mengonsumi excess painkillers such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

Basilar Migraine

Beware 7 Diseases Behind The Headache
Although common in one part of the head, migraine can also cause pain in the back of the head
If a migraine usually occurs only on one side of the head, basilar migraine occurs in the back of the head.

The usual pain starts from the lower part of the brain called the brainstem. Then gradually spreading to one side of the head and getting stronger. Basilar migraine can last from four to 72 hours.

Before migraine attacks, ordinary sufferers experience double vision, dizziness and lack of coordination of the body. These early symptoms can occur for five minutes to an hour.

Cervicogenic Headache

Beware 7 Diseases Behind The Headache
Cervicogenic headache gets worse as you tilt your head
Back pain may be caused by a neck problem or cervicogenic headache. Pain can appear on one or both sides of the back of the head. Another symptom that you may experience is stiffness in the neck.

This type of headache will get worse in the upside position. Movements and certain positions of your neck can also trigger the onset of this cervicogenic headache.


Beware 7 Diseases Behind The Headache
Inflammation and swelling of the neck area due to arthritis can cause pain to the back of the head
Arthritis diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can trigger back and neck headaches. The pain may occur if inflammation and swelling originate in the neck area.

The pain caused by this disease usually worsens in the morning. In addition, movement can trigger the pain becomes more severe.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Beware 7 Diseases Behind The Headache
Severe back pain may occur due to subarachnoid hemorrhage
Subarachnoid hemorrhage is bleeding that occurs between two layers of brain protective tissue. Head trauma is the most common cause of bleeding in the brain.

When injured, the blood vessels of the brain may break. Blood coming out of the blood vessels can gather between the layers. This disease should be treated medically as it can cause death.

The main symptoms of this disease are severe headaches, sudden, and very sharp at the base of the skull. Other symptoms you may experience are pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulder pain, nausea and vomiting, whole body numbness, decreased vision function until convulsions.

Headaches Due To Physical Activity Or Sex

Beware 7 Diseases Behind The Headache
In some people, heavy activities such as sex can cause headaches
Excessive physical activity when running to intercourse can cause headaches. This type of headache is called an exertional headache.

This disease is more risky experienced by patients with a history of migraine or a person who has relatives of migraine sufferers.

Headaches due to sex can occur when sex begins, during orgasm and when finished having sex. Headache during orgasm is the most common.

Patients may experience severe headaches right behind the eyes or the entire back of the head. The pain can last for 20 minutes.

Not to worry, these headaches are usually not a sign of another illness. However, if it happens repeatedly, you are advised to consult this issue with your doctor.

Back pain is a sign of several diseases such as migraine and occipital neuralgia. Although generalized headache can be removed with painkillers, it is advisable to make lifestyle changes.

You can apply a healthy lifestyle such as enough sleep, regular meals, avoid stress, to limit the consumption of alcohol. But if the headache continues to recur, it is advisable to do a doctor to the right handling.

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