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9 Ways To Treat Swollen Gums Until No Relapse - The oral cavity includes the gums, often escaped attention. In fact, if the problem, you can have trouble chewing food, pain and aches, until the occurrence of fever in the body. In order not to get worse, know how to treat swollen gums and prevent it relapse again.

The gums are part of the oral cavity that contains many blood vessels. This organ has a network of fibrous and thick skin that serves as a place of attachment of teeth. In addition to experiencing swelling, unhealthy gums easily bleed. The color of the gums is also more reddish than usual.

The cause of swollen gums

9 Ways To Treat Swollen Gums Until No Relapse
One way to treat swollen gums is to understand the cause
Prior to taking action handling and prevention. You must understand the things that cause swelling of the gums. Here are the details of the causes of swollen gums:

Error while brushing your teeth
Brushing your teeth is an action you take to keep your oral hygiene and health clean. However, there are still many people mistaken while doing it.

The gums consist of a thick, fibrous connective tissue. The wrong brushing process can injure the gums, cause inflammation, and bleeding.

Vitamin deficiency
Swollen gums can be one sign that you are deficient in vitamins B and C. Vitamin C is needed by the body to maintain healthy connective tissue in the gums.

This network serves to support the teeth strongly. When the function of the network wants to decline, the gums can bleed, teeth will shake, and susceptible to infection.

Vitamin C is also needed as an antioxidant of the oral cavity against free radical compounds. Free radical compounds can harm the health of the gums because it interferes with its robustness in supporting teeth.

In addition to vitamin C, intake of B vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, and cyanocobalamin are also good for dental health.

The presence of infection
Our mouth cavity can be infected with various bacterial infections carried along with food. If the cleanliness is not maintained, the bacteria can make bleeding gums, experience inflammation or swelling that causes pain.

The presence of canker sores in the oral cavity can also trigger swelling of the gums.

Smoking habit
Smoking can interfere with your gum health. Gums can become more sensitive and easy to bleed. Not infrequently, the gums can suffer painful wounds and interfere with the process of eating and talking.

Hormonal problems
Hormonal changes can occur during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. The presence of these changes can increase blood flow to the gums that cause the gums susceptible to irritation and swelling.

9 ways to treat swollen gums

9 Ways To Treat Swollen Gums Until No Relapse
An anti-pain medication can be used to treat swollen gums
After knowing what are the causes of swollen gums, you should apply how to treat swollen gums properly. Here are some types of methods and medications that can be handled:

1. Compress with ice
For swollen gums that are not severe and not accompanied by throbbing pain, you can compress with a washcloth containing ice cubes. Compress using cold water or ice serves to relieve swelling.

You can compress the side of the mouth with swollen gums every 15 minutes.

2. Compress with warm water
For those of you who experience swollen gums accompanied by pain, try compress using a washcloth that has been soaked in warm water. Warm water compresses on swollen gums serve as a first step to relieve throbbing pain.

3. Gargling with salt water
Another treatment that can be done is rinse with salt water. In addition to relieving inflammation, salt water is believed to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth that may aggravate the condition of your swollen gums.

The way is easy, dissolve a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Stir until salt dissolves. And use the warm saline solution to rinse. Remember, do not swallow salt solution after you rinse.

4. Consumption of painkillers
If the pain in swollen gums begins to interfere with activity. You can take over-the-counter painkillers at pharmacies like paracetamol. Other drug options such as mefenamic acid or ibuprofen may also be given by a doctor to relieve the pain of swollen gums.

If the swollen gums are caused by problems with cavities, the doctor can not give a certain action while you have swollen gums, so in the meantime anti-pain medication may be given by the dentist.

5. Treatment at the dentist
If your swollen gums do not go away after taking anti-pain medication, try to see a doctor as a way to treat swollen gums.

9 Ways To Treat Swollen Gums Until No Relapse
Consumption of antibiotics can be done to deal with swollen gums
It may be that swollen gums are caused by problems with the teeth. Dentists can provide handling of tartar cleaning (scalling) to handling cavities.

Swollen gums with pus may occur due to a bacterial infection of the mouth or cavities that are not immediately treated. Never assume swollen gums with pus as normal, if left unchecked can have a negative impact on your health.

6. Consumption of antibiotics
When visiting a dentist, you may get a prescription of antibiotics such as amoxicillin. Giving antibiotics done if the doctor has examined the severity of your swollen gums.

The presence of abscess formation (pus) needs to be relieved with the help of antibiotic drugs. These drugs work by stopping bacterial growth so that abscesses on swollen gums may shrink. Other medications may also be administered if your swollen gums are accompanied by symptoms of fever.

7. Avoid the cause of irritation
Some people may experience swollen gums due to irritation. To avoid getting worse swelling of the gums, try to avoid alcohol consumption and smoking. If not, the condition of swollen gums can get worse and trigger bleeding in the gums.

In some cases, swollen gums can be caused by toothpaste and medication irritation. In addition, eating too hot or cold foods can also trigger swelling of the gums.

8. Apply clove oil
In addition to the use of chemical drugs, you can relieve swollen gums with some natural ingredients. One ingredient that is believed to be clove oil. For swollen gums, apply clove oil to swollen gums with the help of a cotton bud.

Research shows clove oil at various concentrations can provide anti-inflammatory effects and the activity of repairing wound tissue.

9. Use ginger paste
In addition to clove oil, ginger paste is also believed to relieve inflammation or inflammation of the gums. Way, just puree ginger and mix with a little salt. If the paste is too thick, add a few drops of water.

According to research, ginger is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects due to the content of gingerol and shogaol compounds in it.

5 ways to prevent swollen gums recurrence

9 Ways To Treat Swollen Gums Until No Relapse
Brush your teeth properly to prevent swollen gums
After applying how to treat swollen gums and relieve them. Keep your oral health so that it does not happen again. Apply the following steps to prevent swollen gums from reappearing:

1. Brush your teeth properly
Swollen gums can be caused by brushing teeth. To avoid this, choose a toothbrush with soft and blunt fur on the end.

While when brushing your teeth do the circular motion slowly, brush your teeth from the inside out and avoid rubbing too strong. Try to brush your teeth twice a day.

Swollen gums caused only by brushing teeth are usually not purulent. For that, you can do a mild treatment as a treatment.

2. Clean the teeth with dental floss
As part of preventing swollen gums, try to always clean the teeth with dental floss before bed.

3. Use mouthwash
Gargle with mouthwash if necessary only. For example when the teeth feel pain, gums red or after eating foods that cause bad breath. Do not use mouthwash every day especially those with high alcohol content!

4. Begin to adjust your diet
Swollen gums can be caused by vitamin deficiency. For that, try eating lots of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, vitamin B, and calcium.

Do not forget also to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. Once the swollen gums subside, try to avoid foods that are too hot or too cold. Try not to hurry while eating.

5. Manage stress well
Stress can trigger a variety of health problems, including swollen gums and canker sores. For that, you need to avoid stress. Stress is closely related to the hormones in your body.

Swollen gums can interfere with the eating and talking process of a person. Plus, the pain sometimes appears and interferes with daily activities. Keep your oral and dental hygiene appropriately and regularly to avoid this disease.

Always apply how to treat the correct swelling gums. In addition, visit the dentist every six months will greatly help you in maintaining oral health.